It might be difficult for you to get a job, but I tell you, it is more difficult to keep it! Intelligence and understanding the variables gives you a job, competence, humility and integrity keeps you in the job.
The first act that stands you out , is coming to work early! It is the first thing your bosses notice about you and it communicates profoundly to them in an amazing manner! Early birds pick the best worms!
When doing your job, do more than the ordinary, go the extra mile for customers and bosses, but do these within the rules that guide you.When go an extra mile for people,it gives you an extra mile in life!
Exhibit extra skills and more dexterity in an atmosphere of amity. When your boss gives you an instruction verbally, that may implicate you ,try and raise a Memo or send an email to him or create a scenario to put the matter on record, as he or she may deny ever giving you such instruction, if something went wrong.
Appear neat in your appearance and be careful what you say to people! Do not gossip away when there is nothing to do, instead read more on improving on your job. Do not be involved romantically, with your boss or subordinates, else you will become the centre of office gossip and if you are a subordinate and you earn any award, promotion or bonus, they would insinuate,you got them because you are dating your boss!
Be patient, while your boss is chiding you, look meek and take quick corrections, explain issues in a calm and respectful manner and NEVER YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE AT YOUR BOSS!
Be careful, while processing documents, avoid alterations, erasures,tippexing and mutilations at all costs, especially if they relate to figures! If you did them for any reason make sure you counter sign or the customer or client does so.
Make sure you have photocopies of all sensitive documents that relates to you at work. Never submit a document in relation to your service records, with out having a photocopy! Real evidence are documentary in nature, not what you say. The faintest ink is more effective than the sharpest memory, goes a Chinese Proverb.
Keep a low profile at work. Avoid living an ostentatious lifestyle that draws attention to you and attracts jealousy. Show random acts of kindness to colleagues.When in doubt ,live with out! Do not be involved with any thing shady or condone same. If your instinct warned you about the impropriety of doing an act, avoid same, your instinct rarely fails.
Do not carry other people’s cross, when the chips are down, it is every man for himself. Master speed and accuracy,but do not sacrifice accuracy for speed! Salute persons as often as possible, it could save you, when they need to make decisions.
Listen to complaints against you, assimilate them and avoid pitfalls. Earn the trust of your bosses and colleagues, there is the speed of trust. Display honesty and probity and all times and retire all expenses. Never make payments to an individual, for a job executed by a company! Use Bank Payments more than cash payments,for proper records. Always keep records of every activity and save all records in your email as a back up, immediately, they are created .Dress neatly,appear prim and proper and smell good! Good luck!