Ogor, has always wanted to be a Lawyer! One early morning, in the 2000s,I saw Ogor at 3rd Junction,in Benin City, walking down the road “How far with your admissions, Ogor?”,I asked, “Douglas, I have been offered admissions, at Delta State University ,Abraka,to study Mass Communication “,I giggled, “You must be happy for me Douglas”,Ogor retorted.”I am happier, Ogor, because, you have been admitted into the Lagos State University, Ojo,to study Law “.Ogor was nonplussed, she was shocked, when I showed her ,her name inside the New Age Newspapers, where her name was imprinted as No 44,in the Admissions List for Faculty of Law, of the Lagos State University, Ojo! Today, Ogor is a successful Lawyer in Abuja!

Solomon, has always loved newspapers, when he finished the Great University of Benin. he was reading Tuesdays and Thursdays Guardian Newspapers, based on advice, when he saw an advert, that a Federal Government Parastatal was recruiting, he applied! Today, he is a management staff of the said Federal Government Parastatal!

Tracy was about to finished her NYSC Exercise ,in a discharged badge of the NYSC, she inboxed her ex-teacher and asked him what she should do, to get a good job, the ex-teacher advised her ,to read Tuesdays and Thursdays Guardian Newspapers! She did! She worked in a blue chip Company, why her mates were still posting, pictures of their passing out parades ,on Facebook and Instagram, with inherent opportunities,available to her and now she is a very successful businesswoman !

If you didn’t get the lessons, then you have a long way to go!

Reading of Newspapers help you in many more ways .It helps your English and makes you have a grasp of concord, tenses,affixation ,idiomatic expressions proverbs and a profound knowledge and use of diction.

Reading Newspapers gives you a fillip to an Information Pool that you would not ordinarily have,if you didn’t read them .Reading Newspapers unconsciously gravitated you towards the Leadership of your Society as you find yourself discussing same . You can not be bigger than the knowledge you have and the things you discuss.

It makes you to take informed decisions. Reading Newspapers gives you an insight into the complex state of the State .It provides you, with a glimpse into the intrigues of the night and the shenanigans of the Day and sometimes, it tells you what happens in between. Reading Newspapers makes you understand your Society to a reasonable extent .

Understand the Society you leave in ,else ,you will be a pun in the complex power game of your Society ‘s Chess .

“Reading makes a man ,writing makes a prepared man and confluence or speaking makes a complete man “.

-Francis Beacon .