In what could best be described as a model election worthy of nationwide application, the NBA Afikpo Branch elected its new Executive members today. The Rock Bar made bold to shift from the old narrative by electing its first ever youngest Chairman and the first ever female NBA Chairman in Ebonyi State in the person of Barr. Eberechukwu Omezue-Nnali who incidentally is also the outgoing first ever female Vice Chairman of the Rock Bar.

Other Executive members elected along with Barr. Eberechukwu to pilot the affairs of the Rock Bar for the next two years are: Abel Marcus Ukpai as the Vice Chairman, Ifeanyichukwu Egwu (Karton) as Secretary, Anastasia Ujunwa Eze-Irem as Asst. Secretary, Godwin Agha as Legal Adviser, J. O. Amadi as Treasurer, Chibuzor Urom as Publicity Secretary, and Innocent Onya Oko as Financial Secretary.

The Chairmanship position was initially between Dr. Amah Ibiam and Eberechukwu Omezue-Nnali. However, following the withdrawal of Dr. Amah Ibiam hours before the election, the coast was cleared for Eberechukwu Omezue-Nnali to emerge unopposed.

While other positions mentioned above were unopposed, however the position for Secretary was delicately poised and keenly contested between Dr. Enya Onya and Ifeanyichukwu Egwu. Interestingly, in what could best be described as an act of God, Ifeanyichukwu Egwu narrowly edged Dr. Enya Onya with a single vote to clinch the coveted position of Secretary on his second shot at the post.

Eberechukwu Omezue-Nnali will succeed Mazi M. I. Igbo whom she worked ably and closely with to elevate the Rock Bar on an upward trajectory.

In her acceptance speech, the Chairman-elect promised members of the Rock Bar to sustain the legacy of her predecessor Mazi Igbo while giving full implementation to her A-E Charter of Needs for the Rock Bar. She rallied on members of the Rock Bar to give her their unalloyed support in taking the Branch to an enviable height.
The newly elected Executive members will officially assume office on Friday, 26/7/2024 when the outgoing administration will officially transit powers to them.

Congratulations to members of the Rock Bar for this epoch-making election. Congratulations to the primus inter pares Barr. Eberechukwu Omezue-Nnali and her newly elected team. Indeed, it is a new dawn for the NBA Afikpo Branch.