In Nigeria, is an offence to smoke in the following places;
(1) Lifts(Elevators)
(2) Hospitals
(3) Commercial Airplane and Ships
(4) Public Taxi’s
(5) Offices
(6) Cinemas, and
(7) Schools.
The penalty for smoking in these prohibited areas is a fine not exceeding ₦1000 or improsonment not exceeding 2 years.
Also, it is an offence to advertise Tobacco products to the general public in a bid to encourage tobacco smoking through any of the following means:
(1) Newspapers
(2) magazines
(3) Radio
(4) Television
(5) Cinema
(6) Bill Boards
(7) Handbills
Unless the warning:
“The Federal Ministry of Health warns that tobacco smoking is dangerous to health” AND “Smokers are liable to die young”
Is inscribed on the Cigarettes.
Any person guilty of selling or advertising otherwise than in compliance with the Act shall be guilty of an offence and on conviction shall be liable to a fine not less than ₦5000.
SEE SECTION 1, 2, 4 & 5 of the TOBACCO SMOKING (Control) ACT 1990.
Arome Abu is the Managing Partner of Abu & Olaniyan Partners.
CAVEAT: Note that this information is provided for general enlightenment purposes and is not intended to be any form of legal advice.
Obscure Legal Facts is an exclusive daily publication of Abu & Olaniyan Partners.
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