The past chairmen of the Young Lawyers Forum (YLF) from various branches of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) in Benue State have extended their heartfelt congratulations to the newly elected President of the NBA Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe.

The message, signed by 12 past chairmen, expressed their joy and satisfaction with the election outcome.

The group, which includes T.D. Sorkaa, Esq. (Makurdi, 2009), F.T. Ajebe, Esq. (Makurdi, 2009), B.A. Iorheghem, Esq. (Makurdi, 2009-2010), Nguemo Uja, Esq. (Makurdi, 2011-2012), F.T. Kusugh, Esq. (Makurdi, 2012-2016), S.U. Akoh, Esq. (Makurdi, 2016), T.M. Nule, Esq. (Makurdi, 2017-2019), Alabar Msughter, Esq. (Gboko, 2017-2019), A.J. Abba, Esq. (Otukpo, 2018), A.D. Obande, Esq. (Otukpo, 2018-2020), V.S. Asen, Esq. (Makurdi, 2019-2021), and J.T. Mkar, Esq. (Gboko, 2021-2024), had earlier endorsed the candidacy of the now President-Elect on July 3rd, 2024. They acknowledged his outstanding personality and antecedents in the Nigerian Bar, describing him as “primus inter pares” (first among equals) amongst the array of candidates vying for the position.

In their congratulatory message, the past chairmen stated, “The road has been long, but it has been a long time coming: now it is time to bring forth the Proactive Bar we know that is achievable under your leadership of what is unequivocally the largest Bar in Africa.”

The signatories, representing YLF chairmen from NBA branches in Makurdi, Gboko, and Otukpo, spanning from 2009 to 2024, expressed confidence in the President-Elect’s ability to lead the NBA to greater heights.
They likened his journey to that of Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon, declaring, “Veni! Vidi! Vincit!” (I came! I saw! I conquered!).