Mr. Adimabuah Ephraim Nwaeke–I do not believe that you, the Ephraim I know will write this (in the Nigerian society of today everything is possible). However, just in case it is you who wrote this, let me address you as I should.

My very good friend, I am very surprised that you could go to the extent of denigrating a candidate in the forth coming NBA election just to favour your own candidate.

You are from Kwale in Delta State which is an integral part of the Mid Western Bar Forum and a member of the revered Port Harcourt branch of the NBA, the platform from which you went to serve as a National officer in the Nigerian Bar Association.

You recall that I took you to the EBF Quarterly meeting which held at the NBA Aba branch Bar centre in February 2014. At the meeeting, we discussed the up coming National NBA election which was to be held in July 2014, amongst other matters. Of particular interest to us were the 3 candidates of the EBF extraction that were running for the office of the General Secretary–Mazi Afam Osigwe, Mrs. Joyce Oduah and Mr. Barth Aniche-Okoye (a.k.a Archival).

On the aforementioned date and venue, the leadership of the EBF conducted primary elections for the 3 persons I mentioned earlier. Each of them was asked to nominate 1 lawyers that would represent them in that primary election, after which they were asked to leave the Hall. Mazi Afam Osigwe nominated me, Seth Nwokolo (NBA Port Harcourt branch), Mrs. Joyce Oduah nominated Miss Chinyere Obasi (NBA Lagos branch) and Mr. Barth Aniche-Okoye nominated Mr. Chinedu Nwaozuzu (NBA Aba branch).

Miss Chinyere, Mr Chinedu and I stood as Agents for these candidates and at the end, Mazi Afam Osigwe won the primary election conducted by the leadership of the EBF, and as such was endorsed by the EBF to contest for the office of the General Secretary of the NBA. At the General elections, which held in Abuja, Mazi Afam Osigwe defeated the trio of Mr. Reuban Usman (Late), Mr. Steve Abar and our own Mr. Barth Aniche-Okoye (who disobeyed the EBF’s decision and contested at the elections). Mazi Afam became the General Secretary of the NBA and served from 2014 – 2016.

Lawyers are wonderful set of people and do have retentive memories and I believe our leaders in the EBF are known to stand for the truth, no matter whose ox is gored. It is very shameful that some lawyers will sell their God given integrity for a pot of porridge or a promise to be given positions at the National level.

Forgive my digression, after that ‘primary election’ of the EBF at Aba in 2014, Mrs Joyce Oduah not only respected the decision of the EBF by stepping down for Mazi Afam Osigwe but also supported the candidate of the EBF, Mazi Afam Osigwe. Mrs. Joyce Oduah may have won the NBA election if she had defied the EBF and contested that election because at that time, she was the incumbent National Treasurer of the NBA. However, to demonstrate the value and respect she had for the EBF she adhered to its decision.

Therefore, I am utterly bewildered that you, my good friend, Adimabuah Ephraim Nwaeke could come to the social media space to fabricate and twist facts to suit and serve the purposes of your Paymasters.

Ephraim, please, you are my friend, you and I have been friends for a long time, ‘e don reach like this?’ I believe that, ‘e never reach like this’. I advise you to retrace your steps now that it is early in the day because you know they no like you and they will never like you after this election.

Please Ephraim, heed my advise and apologize to Mrs. Joyce Oduah. I know she will forgive you because she is a good Christian with a good heart.

Good night Sir!

Yours sincerely,

Vice Chairman, Oji River