#ObscureLegalFacts by Arome Abu
In Nigeria, it is an offence for any member of the Armed Forces when before an enemy, to abandon or throw away his weapon in such a manner as to show cowardice.
However, surrender of weapon shall be justified if done in the period of scarcity of water, provision, logistics support, hope or in consequence of suprerior order.
See Section 47 of the Armed Forces Act.
Arome Abu is the Principal Partner of TCLP.
CAVEAT: Note that this information is provided for general enlightenment purposes and is not intended to be any form of legal advice.
Obscure Legal Facts is an exclusive daily publication of THE COUNSEL L-P.
Plot 108 Idris Gidado Way, Wuye, Abuja.
[email protected]
+234 803 262 2359
+234 708 1156 539.
Twitter: @abu_olaniyanLP