GOVERNOR Willie Obiano of Anambra State Wednesday confirmed the death of nine persons in the state from coronavirus pandemic.

In a statewide broadcast, the governor also said the state had collected a total of 302 samples so far, out of which 230 results had been released, while 72 results were still pending at the Nigeria Center for Disease Control, NCDC, testing center. According to him, out of the 230 results that had been released, 53 results returned positive, 13 patients were discharged, while 31 cases were still active. He added that in the meantime, only seven patients were in Protective Care Center, receiving medical attention.

The governor said: “It is important to note that the medical status of seven of the nine patients who died of Covid-19 in this state was confirmed after a postmortem test on them. “In other words, they did not come to our Protective Care Center for professional management. This is why I must warn that delay is often dangerous in the management of Covid-19 cases. “People who show symptoms of this deadly virus are advised to report their conditions early as it increases their chances of surviving the pandemic. “I must also inform you that almost 90% of the people that have died from Covid-19 in our state were aged from 60 years and above. It is therefore important that people who fall into this age category who are said to have what the experts call co-mobility, should maintain a high level of vigilance to minimize chances of their exposure to the virus.

“I must also emphasize that this pandemic does not select its victims based on age. In fact, one of the victims of the virus in this state was only 24 years old and this is why we must all maintain a high level of vigilance to survive this scourge.” Obiano warned that as efforts were being intensified in the ongoing active aase search campaign, the increase in positive cases would definitely test the resolve and capacity of the healthcare workers, who he described as the first line of defence against the pandemic. He said further: The health workers are putting in a lot of work to ensure that this virus allows our people the chance to breathe.

So far, they have justified our confidence in them with their impressive performance. “The Covid-19 pandemic is an enemy that seeks to surround humanity with its virulent touch and only the grace of God and our own eternal vigilance will save us from the onslaught of this pandemic. “I have no doubt that if we continue to maintain a high level of vigilance by complying with the standard Covid-19 protocol from the WHO and NCDC, we shall outlive the pandemic”.