The Director-General National Youth Service Corps, Brig Gen Shuaibu Ibrahim has said that the Scheme will continue to treat all participants equally irrespective of ethnic or religious beliefs.

General Ibrahim made the assertion while addressing camp officials during his brief unscheduled visit to the NYSC Permanent Orientation Camp, Ikare-Akoko, Ondo State.

“We should not be seen as promoting one religion above another but inculcate religious tolerance, accommodate other people’s point of view and come together to solve myriads of challenges facing the nation”.
The DG who monitored the registration process of the prospective corps members for the 2019 Batch ‘C’ (Stream 11) charged the officials to discharge their duties without fear or favour, adding that God who is a rewarder of diligence will crown their efforts.

“Let me tell you, the seed you are sowing today by adequately taking care of these children will germinate tomorrow. These children you are seeing will not forget your good deeds and when they are in the position of authority, there is likelihood that book of remembrance would be opened in your favour.

“These prospective corps members today will in the nearest future become the Presidents, Governors, Lawmakers, business moguls, career public servants tomorrow, and they would always remember you either for good or otherwise the way you treat them during the orientation and even beyond the service year”.

Continuing, he said ‘no one would have ever thought that His Excellency Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, an ex-corps member would be the Vice President. What he has done or what he is doing to those camp officials during his service year may not be on the pages of newspapers but I am sure, he would not forget those who made his service year enjoyable and memorable’.

He warned the camp officials to be mindful of making unguarded utterances that are capable of inciting or setting one religion or ethnic group against each other.

“My distinguished camp officials, you should be seen as role models to these young and energetic patriotic Nigerians. They are watching your steps and monitoring your statements. Please refrain from making hate speech that is capable of further dividing us as a nation.

“All of us here know the reason why the National Youth Service Corps was established, let us continue to share the vision of the founding fathers of the laudable Scheme and invest in the unity of this entity called Nigeria. Posterity will not forgive us if we debase and denigrate our corporate existence,” he added.

While monitoring the registration exercise, the Director General appealed to the prospective corps members to see themselves as the new Nigeria and future of this great country.

He urged the corps members to see the opportunity to participate in the noble scheme as a rare privilege to make the country a better place for all and sundry to live harmoniously.

“My dear prospective corps members, see your mobilisation and deployment as a privilege to think of what you can do to make the country great again and not what you can achieve at the expense of the nation”.

The Director General who inspected camp facilities expressed his profound gratitude to the State Coordinator, Mrs. Grace Akpabio for massively investing in the Camp.

General Ibrahim was particularly impressed with the marble tiles laid in the kitchen and remarked that ‘you must have spent a fortune to bring this place to an enviable standard we are seeing today’.

“Honestly, this is beautiful and at the same time very attractive to behold. Mrs. Akpabio has demonstrated that you do not need to have keys to Central Bank vault before you can excel”.

“I want Nigerians to emulate this very aggressive goal-getter and achiever. For someone who is from Akwa Ibom in South South geopolitical zone to perform wonderfully well in Ondo State in the South western part of this country is commendable. She deserves our prayers and commendation,” he added.

He alsop inspected the Camp Clinic which is at roofing stage and Orientation Broadcasting Service (OBS) studio extension project which is set for decking and ĺauded the uncommon initiatives of the ‘Gracious Grace’.