The Not Too Young To Run Act, without other measures, is a Mockery and a Lip service Towards Achieving Youth Participation in Politics in Nigeria: We Want More.
Recently, there have been a lot of clamours and agitations from different quarters as regards the need for more participation of youths in politics. The reasons for the above agitations are not farfetched. It is a truism that children are Leaders of tomorrow and the youth are leaders of today. However, the youth who are supposed to be the leaders of today are relegated to the background and are denied the platform to take what belongs to them, which is the leadership of this nation.
It will be recalled that before the Not Too Young To Run Bill was signed into law by President Mohammed BUHARI, there were and still is, non Participation of youths in Nigeria politics when it comes to vying for a political positions. There were also legal restrictions on the youth as it relates to the Age requirements for certain elective positions in Nigeria. However, with the passage into law of the aforementioned Bill, it appears the chances of youth participation in politics in Nigeria are expected to change dimensions.
However, this is far from reality. it is my humble opinion that despite the reduction in Age requirement for certain positions, the possibility of youth participation in politics in Nigeria, in reality, is mere fiction and can better be described as a mere wishful thinking.
The reasons for the above are Crystal clear. The structure of Nigerian politics has made it easier for a camel to pass through hole of a needle than for a young person to emerge winner in any elective position in Nigeria. Thus, this explains why many willing youths shy aware from politics.
Not Too Young To Run is an Act of the National Assembly which sought to reduce the age limit for running for elective office in Nigeria. The Bill for the Not Too Young To Run Act was signed into law on 31st May 2018 by President Mohammed Buhari. The intention of this Act is to give youth the more opportunity to run for certain elective offices. Consequently there has been an amendment of the 1999 Constitution which has orchestrated the reduction of the age requirement for some specified elective offices. Thus, with the inception of the Reduction in Age For the Office of the President (Not Too Young To Run Act) Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999(Fourth Alteration, No. 27) Act 2017, the following adjustments were made to the age requirement for elective position in Nigeria:
(a) The age requirement for the president was reduced from 40byears to 35 years. See section 131(b).
(b) That of the House of Representatives was reduced from 30years to 25years.see section 65( b)
(c) That of the House of Assembly of the State was reduced from 30years to 25 years. See Section 106( b)
However, nothing was done as regards the age requirement of the members of the Senate and Governors which till date is still left at 35years. See sections 65(1)(a) and 177(b) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria ( as amended) respectively.
There are plethoras of challenges Finance is a major problem. In Nigerian politics, without adequate finance, one cannot successfully contest in an Election. Thus, reducing the Age requirement for elective offices in Nigeria without more is a mockery, because, most youth at the age of 25 do not have the financial capacity to run for an election in a country like Nigeria where majority of the citizens are hungry and they see election period as a time to put money in their pocket either by hook or by crook. In otherwords, it will be a fruitless exercise and almost impossibility for any youth to compete with any of the godfathers in Politics, for the same political position.
Another similar impediment towards achieving a maximum youth participation in politics is the attitude of same serving politicians. Some of them think that leadership position is their birth rites. Some have been Senators, House of Assembly members for as long as their life time. Some politicians after their tenure as governors switch to senatorial seat as if it is their retirement benefits.
In otherwords, our laws have not helped the matter at all. National Assembly and House of Assembly members are given the liberty to run as many times as they wish without restrictions. Even some governors still consider the Senate as the final bus stop, hence, after their two tenures, they still go ahead to struggle the senatorial seat. How then are the youths expected to participate in politics?
The youths are the leaders of today, not tomorrow. There is a notorious adage of the Igbos that says: what an elder sees while sitting down, a child cannot see it even if he climbs on the mountain or even the Iroko tree. Whereas this may be true to a large extent, but when it comes to Politics and good governance, respectfully, I beg to disagree. The world is evolving. What worked in 1980s may not work now. We are in computer age and things are entirely different now. Therefore, whatever an elder can see while seating down, believe me, a child can see even more.
Another reason, in fact, the most viable reason why the time has come for the youth to take the country to a greater height is derived from the Biblical provisions. The Book of Joel 2 vs 28 says: “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” Similarly, the Book of Proverbs 29vs 18, says: ” Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”
Drawing from the above scriptures, it is quite clear that our old men can only dream dreams while the youths shall see vision. This explains why most of our leaders lack the necessary vision to move the country forward. But the youth that is supposed to move the country forward through vision and to stop our citizens from perishing in poverty, insecurity , unemployment and poor medical facilities, are sidelined and relegated to the background.
It is my humble view that leadership by most of the old men in this country is one of the reasons why our great country is backward. Nemo Dat quod non Habet: you can’t give what you don’t have. Some of these our old leaders lack the Vision to move this country forward, hence they will keep dreaming dreams and offer nothing.
No doubt, the passage of the Not Too Young To Run Bill is welcomed development and one step towards achieving a maximum participation of youth in Politics. However more measures need to be put in place for us to know that our fathers actually mean business and are willing to hand over the mantle to the youths or at least, carry the youths along.. Therefore , I propose following MEASURES:
A Maximum of Two Tenures For all Elective Offices in Nigeria.
It is surprising why the office of the president, and Governors are limited to two tenures, while that of the National Assembly and the House of Assembly in Nigeria have to limits. It is also ridiculous for a governor after his two tenures as governor to be eligible to contest for other Elective Offices in Nigeria. There is no justification for it. Rather it is a ploy to prevent and block all opportunities for the youth and others to be elected into such position.
Therefore, I humbly call for an Amendment of the Constitution to provide for a maximum of two tenures for all Elective Offices. If this is done, it will increase the chances for youth participation in Politics in Nigeria.
There should be retirement Age in Politics:
I hereby advocate for a retirement age in politics. In all sectors of the economy, there is usually an age for retirement. There is no justification why that same principle can not apply in Politics. In otherwords, a law should be made to restrict persons who are 70 years and above from contesting in any elective position. The law should also prohibit the appointment of a person who is 65 years and above into any political office, like ministers, commissioners and other forms of appointments.
If the above is done, it will give the youth more opportunities. In otherwords, as long as there is no age limit for political offices and appointment, the youth cannot actively participate in Politics in Nigeria considering the structure of the Nigerian politics. Thus, the clamour for youths Participation in politics will remain luxury and an impossible mission.
Nomination forms by political parties should be made free or at least affordable for any youth below 40 years that wants to participate in Politics.
Independent candidature should be encouraged, approved and backed by law. This will give youths more opportunities to run for an elective position without struggling to be the flag bearer in a political party that may consider him too young to be given the party’s ticket.
If youths Participation in politics in Nigeria is to be achieved, and if our fathers/ leaders are really sincere and willing to give the youths a chance, then they should accompany their words with actions. Actions they say, speaks louder then voice. A child cannot be struggling for position with his father. A good father will allow his son to represent him at his old age. It is the desire of every father that his child should be greater than him.
Therefore, our leaders should do more than just singing this song of mockery and shouting, “Not To Young To Run” whereas, in reality, they are not willing to hand over the mantle. They should stop dreaming dreams and give the youth the opportunity to utilize their Vision to move this country forward.
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.