The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Suleja Branch, also known as Zuma Bar, is thrilled to announce its wholehearted endorsement of Nyada Auta for the esteemed position of Welfare Secretary of the NBA.

Auta, a distinguished member of the Suleja Branch, has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to serving the legal community with compassion and forward-thinking leadership.

Nyada Auta’s remarkable track record speaks volumes about his dedication to the betterment of the legal profession. His exemplary service at both the local branch level and on the national stage has earned him widespread admiration and respect among his peers. The Suleja Branch takes immense pride in Auta’s accomplishments and firmly believes that his exceptional attributes will greatly benefit the entire NBA.

The branch’s decision to endorse Nyada Auta for the position of NBA National Welfare Secretary is rooted in the utmost confidence in his abilities. They assert that with Auta at the helm of the Welfare Secretary’s office, the Bar will undoubtedly reach new heights of excellence and witness an era of unparalleled compassion and service.

As the NBA gears up for the upcoming elections, the Suleja Branch calls upon all members to rally behind Nyada Auta, a candidate who embodies the values of dedication, empathy, and progressive leadership. They believe that Auta’s election will usher in a new chapter of unprecedented growth and development for the association.