*Call For Urgent Completion Of Igbosere Court Reconstruction, Power Supply Improvements

Seven branches of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) in Lagos State have jointly petitioned the Honorable Chief Judge of Lagos, urging immediate action on pressing issues affecting the state’s judiciary.

In a letter signed by the chairmen of the Lagos, Ikeja, Ikorodu, Badagry, Epe, Eti-Osa, and Surulere branches, the NBA called for swift completion of the reconstruction of the Lagos Division of the High Court in Igbosere, which was burnt during the EndSARS protests over two years ago.

The NBA branches also appealed for a substantial salary increase of at least 300% for Magistrates to boost morale, reduce corruption, and promote integrity within the judiciary. The letter highlighted concerns about the late delivery of judgments, inordinately late sittings by some Judges and Magistrates, and the presence of touts soliciting legal work around courthouses.

Other key requests included the establishment of an administrative office for the execution of judgments in Ikorodu and Eti-Osa Judicial Divisions, court expansion and increased judicial staffing in Eti-Osa, and the creation of a Probate Registry and Multi-Door Courthouse in the same division. The NBA branches also suggested reintroducing manual filing alongside e-filing for urgent matters until the e-filing system becomes fully sustainable.

The letter further emphasized the perennial power challenge in most court divisions, particularly in Epe, where the generator is unfit to serve the court’s needs. The NBA requested the purchase of a new generator set and increased power supply hours to enhance the productivity of Judges and Magistrates.

In conclusion, the NBA branches expressed their readiness to collaborate with the Chief Judge to address these issues and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Lagos State Judiciary, ultimately enhancing access to justice for all.