Distinguished Bar leaders and Colleagues,

On the 3rd of July 2020, I was granted a final clearance by the ECNBA to contest for the office of NBA General Secretary in forthcoming General elections scheduled for 29th/30th July, 2020. Following therefrom, on the 6th of July, 2020, candidate’s profiles and manifesto were collated and hoisted on the NBA website.

In furtherance thereof, and in accordance with ECNBA guidelines, I hereby present to you my profile and the Manifesto for #InnovativeSecretariat #InnovativeBar #TheIBAmodel

My humble aspiration to serve as the General Secretary of our noble Association is borne out of my undying passion for positive and innovative change. It is my firm belief that our National Secretariat can be more responsive and innovative in meeting the needs of the Bar; more friendly and closer to all lawyers. It is my considered view that the NBA Secretariat should be more IT-driven in her services, to catch up to the speed of globalization, post-Covid-19. That is why my vision and mission centers on E-Innovation, professionalized Secretariat and a more inclusive administration.

The Manifesto for #InnovativeSecretariat focuses on a 9 point core agenda that revolves on institutionalizing a robust and well-structured e-governance policy, professionalization and making the Secretariat more friendly, accessible, responsive and supportive to lawyers’ practice.

Beloved Colleagues, there’s no gainsaying that E-innovation have become the new normal since the Covid-19 emergency altered our regular calendar and pattern of doing things; legal profession amongst the worst hit. Therefore, we must retool, brace and adapt quickly to E-Innovation. The NBA Secretariat must be adequately equipped and properly manned by a tech savvy General Secretary to drive these changes and globalization.

While I thank you for your kind attention, I urge you to find time from your busy schedule to glance through my profile and the manifesto herein attached and already published on the NBA website. You may also visit www.okeyisok.com to view same. I’m optimistic you would not only get more convinced to support our vision for #InnovativeSecretariat #InnovativeBar #TheIBAmodel but would go all out to convincing your friends and colleagues to support yours truly for the office of NBA General Secretary, 2020.

Thank you again for all the support and encouragement thus far. Please continue in your strive, for together we can build the Bar of our dreams. I pledge never to let you down. It’s God till the end.


Click Here To download OKEY LEO OHAGBA’s PROFILE

Click here To Download OKEY OHAGBA’s MANIFESTO