Once again, the NBA election brouhaha has started. Candidates are gearing up. Aspirants are now on the move. Statements and felicitations are flying in from all directions. This is not new, it is the norm recently.

One other thing that is not new is online polls. On the group, Nigerian Bar Association Members, on Facebook, a poll was recently conducted for the position of the office of the President of the Nigerian Bar Association.

Four candidates were fielded.

After several hours of voting, Olumide Akpata who had came in first position with Dr. Ajibade, SAN coming in a close second, just 7 votes away which is remarkable given that the learned Silk threw his hat into the ring only recently and has garnered massive goodwill in such a short period.

It wasn’t surprising that Adesina Ogunlana, former Chairman of the Ikeja Branch, came in at the bottom.

What is surprising is that Deacon Dele Adesina, SAN came in 3rd position with less than 40 votes out of over 500 votes casted. This is despite his endorsement by the Egbe Amofin.

This glaring defeat reignites a question that was asked less than two years ago- “Has regional adoption lost its value?”

It is not news that prior to this time, NBA election was done by delegates, ie. Chairmen and other delegates from Branches. This meant that once you secure the vote of the various leaders of branches, you have done all your need.

Because most branch leadership had an allegiance to their regional fora, an adoption by one’s regional fora often meant that the election is won.

It appears that has changed. With the failure of Chief Arthur Obi-Okafor, SAN to secure the ballot (although under suspicious circumstances involving voter manipulation), it appeared that adoptions meant very little.

But there was some hope since Chief Arthur was clearly the most popular candidate by social media presence and could arguably have won the elections if they were free and fair.

However, with the deadly defeat of Deacon Adesina, SAN, albeit in a mock poll, it is not difficult to reason that the coffin of adoption has been nailed and is about to be buried.

All doubts seem to be cleared.

Perhaps this is a sign for the Egbe Amofin to retrace it’s steps and focus on a more promising candidate. Or maybe the regional fora should all rethink their involvement in elections and stop the idea of endorsement.

This is just an early poll, though. A lot may happen before the elections. But as the Igbos say, “a rally that will be great, you can tell from the beginning”.


Jonah Akinola
Watchers Association…