The Election Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association has released the final Voters list and has urged all members whose names appeared on the list to verify and update their details on the website of the NBA within the time frame provided by the Committee.
According to the statement by the Committee Chairman, Tawo.E.Tawo, SAN , this is to ensure that it is in tandem with information already supplied to the ECNBA.
The Committee went further to list out the procedure to follow In order to carry out the verification process seamlessly.
Read the full statement
The compilation of the Voters Register for the NBA 2020 National elections commenced from the publication of the ECNBA Election Guidelines on the 21st day of April 2020.
The said publication gave notice to all Branch Chairmen to submit the names of their members who had paid their Bar Practice fees and Branch Dues as at 31st March 2020 and to submit proof of the payments. The 1st interim/provisional Voters list was thereafter published on the 30th day of May 2020 with about 21,066 names, albeit with only few Branches complying with the directions and guidelines published thereto by the ECNBA.
In a bid not to disenfranchise members, a 2nd Provisional Voters list was published on the 21st of June 2020 with about 35,274 names, giving another opportunity for members to file complaints (if any), while supplying missing information supported with proof of payment of Branch dues. The deadline for this exercise terminated on the 23rd day of June 2020. Some Branches and individuals who hitherto had not supplied the required information to the ECNBA utilized the opportunity to do so and such details were captured accordingly. However, some members and branches who supplied their information and proof of payments of their branch dues long after the expiration of the deadline were also captured in the voters register. Members and branches who failed to supply proof of payments of branch dues were not included in the final voters list. It is noteworthy that a few Branches, did not submit any list of members to the ECNBA, reliance was placed on the Stamp and seal list of the NBA to include the names of such branches on the final voters list.
Having explored the available options within the time, resources and prevalent environmental conditions, to collate and capture data of eligible voters, the ECNBA hereunder publishes the Final Voters Register with over 39,000 names for the NBA National Officers Elections 2020. There shall be no further lists published save for clean up exercise in case of names found to have been duplicated as the Constitutional timeline provided for this exercise lapses today. We would like to assure everyone that the ECNBA has carried out this exercise in compliance with the constitution of the NBA 2015 (as amended) and utmost good faith with the desire to ensure that no member qualified to vote is disenfranchised. We therefore urge all members of the Association to take the exercise in good faith and cooperate with the ECNBA as we move to the next stage of the electoral process.
We must continue to emphasize the need for members to verify and update their details on the NBA website within the time stipulated to ensure it is in tandem with information already supplied to the ECNBA. This is to ensure that everyone can access the voting portal during the electoral exercise. The ECNBA continues to count on members’ cooperation, support and understanding as we make progress towards a successful electoral process.
For the avoidance of doubt, members are to ensure that all their necessary and relevant data (particularly phone numbers, email address, postal and home address) are VERIFIED and updated on the NBA website.
(a) For members who have not previously been verified:
1. Visit
2. Click on the Get Verified Option and do the following:
• Enter your email address correctly and complete the verification form;
• Upload a soft copy of your call to bar certificate;
• Patiently wait for a confirmation email from the NBA, which will contain your Supreme Court enrolment number and a temporary password (that you can always change at your convenience).
3. Upon receiving a confirmation email from the NBA indicating that you have been successfully verified, do the following:
• Go back to the NBA Membership Portal page;
• Copy your enrolment number and password from the confirmation email and enter same on the portal as login details to avoid errors;
• Ensure you type both the alphabets and figures of your Supreme Court Number together without space (E.G.: SCN111111).
(b) For members who have previously been verified but unable to login:
1. Visit
2. Click Forgot Password
3. Enter Your Supreme Court Number and follow the instructions.
For support with the verification process, you may send an email to [email protected] or call the following phone numbers between 8am and 8pm every day of the week: 08165037594 ; 08168011579 ; 08165374194 ; 08167181605.
The ECNBA continues to count on your cooperation, support and understanding as we make progress towards a successful electoral process.
Click below to open the list
Dated this 1st day of July 2020.