The Nigerian Bar Association(NBA) Suleja Branch has elected new executives to lead the Association for the Next two years.

This information was obtained in a statement sighted by LEGALDESKNG

Read the full speech below


Past Branch Chairmen here present, Elders of the Bar, my immediate predecessor (Alh. B. T Maigaskiya),members of the immediate past Branch Executive Committee here present, distinguished and noble Colleagues of our beloved branch, members of the Society, Ladies and Gentlemen.

We return all thanks and praise to God Almighty for this day as indeed it was only by his Grace through men and women of integrity and conscience that we are witnessing the change of guard in the leadership of our wonderful branch, it is the earnest wish and prayers of myself and my Executives that God Almighty grant us the Knowledge and wisdom required to effectively discharge the duties of our offices effectively.

No doubts, the responsibilities attached to my office is enormous as the task projects we intend to achieve within the period of our stay in office are herculean but what is certain is that fact that together we can but only achieve all our set goals and objectives in the best interest of our dear branch.

At this point let me first adopt hook line and sinker the appreciation note posted by Auta Nyada on behalf of Eddy’s Campaign Group on our platform and also add that however, election and politicking is over and it is time for governance, therefore no one is indispensable as a tree can never make a forest, we at this stage extend a brotherly hand of love to my good friend and junior colleague Ibrahim Bako and all his teaming supporters to embrace the part of oneness and unity for us to run an all inclusive, trans-boundary and progressive Bar in the best interest of our great association and accordingly too guided by the Uniform Bye Laws of our Great Association.

You will all agree with me that the politics we just ended was speed up and well flavoured by all involved beyond every other thing but to engage us a little more and kill the boredom of the Covid 19 Lockdown and Idleness even though again it has made our bar more interesting with certain commitments therein, for those that may want to come up after us, to start putting their house in order.

I accept the great trust reposed in me by members of this branch who unanimously elected me to serve for the period, I shall remain as the Chairman and I desire to do all within my powers and available resources to give the Bar a face lift and obvious transformation from where my predecessors stopped, I thank all the wonderful people who believed in this dream and stood by me all through the Campaign period. You are all the HEROS of this struggle, God bless you all and bless majorly the VICTOR of the struggle NBA, SULEJA BRANCH. We must not fail to realize that a continuous wrong cannot make a right until the wrong is written right.

Distinguished Seniors, Bar Leaders, Colleagues and Friends knowing fully well that we have very limited time to deliver on our promises, we shall immediately be working at getting colleagues into certain committees that are required to drive through our mandate between now and the first meeting and as much as possible our Executive shall be an engaging one for now we shall be constituting few committees to set the ground rolling while we work on others in no distant time.


We will all agree that there is a need to immediately get in a place a committee that will help us get a bus as we have spent too much money transporting ourselves for conferences, meetings, courtesy calls and others within the last 6years. I propose for your ratification the following persons who be charged with the responsibility of getting us a branch bus within the record time: Hon. M.T Zakari, as Chairman, Auta Nyada as Co-Chairman, B.T Maigaskiya, Hannah Asabe Sani Florence Egbunu and Nuhu Talib. I have absolute confidence in the ability of the Chairman and his members to deliver on this as I am aware measure are already in place.


The Uniform Bye Law have constitutionally recognized as members of this committee all past Chairmen, all past Secretaries, all professors in the branch and five other members to be appointed. I propose for appointment into this committee: Mr. J.T Ndubizu, Mr. J.N Kallamu, Mrs. E.C Obi, Mr. M.M Ayinla. Mr. J.T Ndubizu shall be the Chairman, Mr. P.U Ekwueme Alternate Chairman and Mrs. E.C Obi as Secretary.


In compliance with the Uniform Bye-Law I also propose the following names for ratification by this house: Mr. M.M Ayinla as Chairman, Mr. B.T Maigaskiya Alternate Chairman, Mr. Luke Silas Alozie Secretary. Four other members shall be added in due course.


As much as possible, we shall support the leadership of the Young Lawyers Forum and ensure that they engage in programmes that will be of immense benefit to their members. Young Lawyers as we are all aware are all lawyers within the age bracket of 1-7years post call, we shall maintain the tradition of allowing this group function without interference but with strict supervision from myself and the Chairman of the Advisory Committee but we are all allow to give them the necessary guideline and direction. I propose for ratification by the house the following names as other members of the Executive shall be added in due course. Nasiru Agahu as Chairman, Sadiya Sule as Vice Chairman, Sikiru Yusuf as Secretary.

J.M KALLAMU Esq is also confirmed in this meeting as the DEPUTY BAR LEADER

Other Committees to be formed and announced on or before the next meeting includes:

Bar House Committee
Human Right Committee
Bar Bench
Legal Aid and Pro-Bono Committee
Continuing Legal Education
Task Force on Fake Lawyers and Stickers Committee
Health Sport and Fitness Committee
Women Forum/FIDA
We want to state that as much as possible we shall be making use of the Group Whatsapp and other forms of social media very urgent and useful information and it affect and or is beneficial to us all, accordingly, the whatsapp group shall undergo some form of recognition in terms of its admin and membership to enable us serve you better.
Thank you all for your time and continuing support as we look forward to an all rounding commitment from us all to serve you better.

God Bless Nigerian Bar Association Suleja, (Progressive Bar) God Bless Nigerian Bar Association, God Bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

I remain your Visionary Shepherd,

Okhaigbe, Clement Eddy Esq.