The National Editorial Board of Law Students’ Association of Nigeria (LAWSAN) calls for well-researched articles for its forthcoming annual publication of ‘LAWSAN Law Review’.

Meanwhile, according to the Editorial Board:

“the mission of the LAWSAN Law Review is to create a forum for the analysis and discussion of legal issues. Moreover, the Law Review serves as a medium for LAWSAN Members to publish their work outside the scope of the typical legal curriculum.”

Furthermore, the Board disclosed that LAWSAN Law Review aims to provide a source of legal discourse that covers issues rarely broached by the regular legal periodicals written by students and young professionals in the context of their legal courses and practical experiences.

However, the guidelines for contributions as stipulated by the Board are:

1. Contributors should submit their articles or case-notes in Microsoft Word format via email to:

2. Only articles with footnotes will be considered for publication.

3. The writing style should be clear, lucid and devoid of both jargon and colloquialism.

4. Manuscripts should be carefully checked for errors.

5. Manuscripts should have a cover page containing the name, address, e-mail address, telephone number(s) and brief personal details of the author.

6. There shall be provided, Abstract of not more than 250 words.

7. Contributions may include any of the following:

Addresses and
Conference Papers
Book Review
Case Review
Statute Review
Review of Practice and Procedure.

8. Articles can be on any legal topic, provided they are between 3000-8000 words and comply with the legal citation style; whilst case-notes should be between 2000-3000 words.

9. References must be cited using the NALT Citation Style.

10. The deadline for submission of articles is 30th of June, 2020.

Furthermore, the Board has stated its Review Process thus:

1. The Editorial Board shall carefully consider all submissions it receives.

2. The Board shall ensure that before articles are published online, submissions are adequately reviewed by the Board and may be returned to the author for a recommended revision.

3. Editors reserve the right to make alterations to the article in relation to style, punctuation, grammar, etc.

4. Any corrections made by the author must be returned within the scheduled dates.