A maid named Michelle encountered a massive King Cobra lurking in a toilet sink in Army Estate, Sauka Airport Road, Abuja. What began as an ordinary Saturday quickly turned into a scene of horror when Michelle spotted a curled shape in the toilet, unaware that a 12-foot snake was hiding in the U-bend.

Terrified, she immediately called for estate security, hoping they could help. “I just wanted them to reach into the toilet with a stick,” she recounted, explaining how the snake coiled back inside when disturbed.

Fearing for her safety, Michelle’s boss booked a hotel room for the night. She reached out to a local wildlife expert, known as a “snake whisperer,” who successfully removed the enormous serpent from the premises. “Since the incident, I always check what’s inside the toilet before using it. I even put a brush in there to be safe,” Michelle shared. “We’re safe now, but I’m lucky I shone a light in there; otherwise, it could have bitten me.”

This isn’t the first time residents have faced reptilian threats in the area. The estate’s damp surroundings have made it a habitat for snakes, and last month, a resident even killed a large python nearby. In response to these recurring incidents, residents and authorities have decided to contact fumigation services to tackle this environmental crisis.

As a precaution, they urge the community to use eco-friendly chemicals in their toilets and to fumigate regularly for everyone’s safety.