By Chief Malcolm Emokiniovo Omirhobo

I want to speak on child abuse as it relates to parents applying bleaching cream on their children to make them white . If you are a parent and you are into using bleaching cream on your children, I advise you to stop it immediately because is criminal and that you could be prosecuted for it .

Bleaching cream is dangerous to human beings and therefore should not be used by any responsible right think person not to talk of applying it on children who lacks the capacity to say yes or no

If bleaching can cause skin thining , skin exposure to U V ray , mercury poisoning , cancer,high blood sugar kidney failure , fatigue , neurologic symptoms such as tremor , memory loss and irritability to an adult how much more to a child ?

I am standing in here today for millions of voiceless and vulnerable African children who do not have a say , to say yes or no to their parents bleaching them.

I advice parents to apply none bleaching lotion or cream on children and allow them determine what colour they want to be when they come of age . Parents must leave this decision for their children to make or stand the chance in the future of having their children press charges against them to be prosecuted for causing bodily harm to them or suing their parents for damages for destroying their skin and causing them health conditions .