The Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators is the professional body of practitioners with the mandate to regulate the practice of Mediation, train prospective candidates, and encourage organizations and institutions to adopt Mediation and Conciliation as the primary means for addressing disputes.

The Institute is offering the following Continuing Professional Development courses in the month of July, 2020:

Mediation Advocacy
15 CPD Units
1-2, July, 2020
Course fee: N40,000 (members)
N45,000 (non-members)

Mediation Practice Models and Hybrid Processes
10 CPD Units
2-3 July, 2020
Course fee: N30,000 (members)
N40,000 (non-members)

How to Overcome cultural issues at the Negotiation and Mediation Table
5 CPD Units
6 July, 2020
Course fee: N20,000 (members)
N25,000 (non-members)

Self-Awareness and Handling Emotions in Mediation
10 CPD Units
7-8 July, 2020
Course fee: N30,000 (members)
N40,000 (non-members)

Family Mediation
15 CPD Units
9-10 July, 2020
Course fee: N40,000 (members)
N45,000 (non-members)

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)
10 CPD Units
29-30 July, 2020
Course fee: N45,000 (members)
N50,000 (non-members)

Mediating Workplace Conflicts
15 CPD Units
13-14 July, 2020
Course fee: N40,000 (members)
N45,000 (non-members)

ADR Registry/Secretarial Services
10 CPD Units
16 July, 2020
Course fee: N30,000

Mediating Communal Conflicts
15 CPD Units
14-15 July, 2020
Course fee: N40,000 (members)
N45,000 (non-members)

Psychology of Mediation
10 CPD Units
16-17 July, 2020
Course fee: N30,000 (members)
N40,000 (non-members)

Negotiation Techniques and Strategies for out of Court settlement
5 CPD Units
21 July, 2020
Course fee: N10,000 (members)
N15,000 (non-members)

Strategies for a Successful Salary Negotiation
5 CPD Units
23 July, 2020
Course fee: N20,000 (members)
N25,000 (non-members)

Mediator’s Inner Strength: Developing Emotional Intelligence
5 CPD Units
24 July, 2020
Course fee: N10,000 (members)
N15,000 (non-members)

Mediating Industrial disputes in corporate organizations
5 CPD Units
27 July, 2020
Course fee: N10,000 (members)
N15,000 (non-members)

The Efficacy of Mediation Skills in Obtaining Professional Jobs and Consultancy
5 CPD Units
29 July, 2020
Course fee: N10,000 (members)
N15,000 (non-members)

Advanced Conflict Analysis
10 CPD Units
30 July, 2020
Course fee: N30,000 (members)
N40,000 (non-members)

These CPD courses have been assigned CPD Units and will also serve as upgrade courses for members of the Institute wishing to upgrade to a higher cadre of membership within the Institute.

Associate Members seeking to upgrade to Member cadre require a minimum of 21 CPD Units, and Members seeking to upgrade to Fellow cadre require a minimum of 40 CPD Units.

Direct Admission to Member cadre (for non members of the Institute) must undergo and successfully complete the ICMC Mediation Skills Accreditation and Certification Training, and have a minimum of 30 CPD Units.

All courses will be held fully online.

For registration and further enquiries, kindly contact Chimdimma (08063816153, [email protected]) or Mercy (0703 889 6753, [email protected])