#Obscurelegalfacts by Arome Abu


In Nigeria, possession of Fire Arms is generally prohibited, but persons may be granted licence to possess them.

However licence shall not be granted if the applicant:

(a) is under age seventeen;

(b) is of unsound mind;

(c) has defective eyesight;

(d) is a person of intemperate habits;

(e) has during the previous five years been convicted of an offence involving violence or the threat of violence

An application for licence may be granted or refused.

A person aggrieved by a decision refusing his application for a licence may Appeal in writing to the President of Nigeria.

The verdict of the President shall be final and no further appeal shall arise therefrom.

See Section 4 & 6 of the FIREARMS ACT

Arome Abu is the Principal Partner of TCLP.

CAVEAT: Note that this information is provided for general enlightenment purposes and is not intended to be any form of legal advice.

Obscure Legal Facts is an exclusive daily publication of THE COUNSEL L-P.
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