The Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (ECNBA) has issued a detailed response to complaints and allegations raised by two candidates, Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN and Tobenna Erojikwe, regarding the recently concluded 2024 NBA National Elections.

In a letter dated July 25, 2024, the ECNBA addressed various issues raised by the candidates, including claims of identity theft, double voting, discrepancies in vote counts and patterns, and the integrity of the voting system and results.

The ECNBA maintained that robust measures were implemented to ensure the credibility and transparency of the elections held on July 20, 2024 using the Election Buddy electronic voting platform. These included unique single-use voter links, voter data verification exercises, secure system architecture, and close collaboration with reputable service providers.

While acknowledging the candidates’ disappointment with the election outcome, the ECNBA stated that not every loss should be attributed to malpractice. The committee provided detailed explanations and data to address specific allegations, while noting that some requested information could not be shared due to privacy and confidentiality concerns.

Key points from the ECNBA’s response include:

– Each voter received a unique single-use voting link to prevent double voting.
– Alleged vote count discrepancies were attributed to the real-time, sequential tallying process.
– Claims of a “steady increase pattern” in votes were refuted with hourly voting data.
– The election results portal was designed to handle high traffic and ensure a smooth voter experience.
– Comprehensive system testing and security measures were implemented to safeguard the integrity of the elections.

The ECNBA expressed confidence in the conduct and outcome of the elections, as validated by a results certification from Election Buddy Inc.
The committee reiterated its commitment to transparency and stated that a final post-election audit report would be submitted to the NBA’s National Executive Council in the coming weeks.