We have a plethora of digital devices to choose from these days and the list is exponentially growing. There are newer versions of smartphones, tablets and other cool computing devices being manufactured and released for our use in an increasingly advancing and complex tech and digital age. While this trend represent progress and advances being made in the digital ecosystem, many tech users are oblivious of the fact that these devices are providing a “Window to Our Digital DNA”.
The Value of DNA in Forensic Investigation Cases
DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. We know it is the genetic code that determines all the characteristics of any living thing. In the field of forensic science and the administration of justice that involves the settlement of disputes or the solving of mysteries, we know the value of DNA evidence in providing answers to investigative cases where truth about an incidence has to be established. In this world, to avoid the miscarriage of justice, the use of DNA evidence has the potential to provide either inculpatory or exculpatory evidence; that is serving as the basis for convicting an accused or setting him free.
Therefore, much like DNA evidence, digital forensics has the potential to serve as the key to unlocking the truth in every investigative case to which the science of forensic computing can be applied. Through the examination of digital patterns and binary codes, an investigator can link a suspect’s digital DNA to him or her. Hence, we can safely regard digital forensics as the tool and weapon for finding answers and resolving cases in our ever expanding cyber- criminal landscape.
As today’s crimes are being committed while people carry their smart devices or computing devices in their pockets and bags, little do they realize that their every step is recorded and can be traced. This is where digital forensics play a vital and detective role. Planned and executed both on and offline, digital bread crumbs are always created and dropped everywhere regarding the crimes people commit. As the wave of criminal activities continue to grow, this clearly translates to need for the adoption of forensic investigation techniques and engagement of qualified digital forensic investigators.
What makes your digital DNA unique? How is it created?
Your digital DNA is born or created the moment your digital device becomes activated. As the activation is complete and you begin the process of customizing your preferences on the device, the unique difference between your phone or device from all others existing is born. From this moment on and inclusive of all the actions taken on, with and through the device, your digital journey begins.
In our world where actions convey messages louder than words, a digital device with the right application of digital forensics investigative methodology can establish one’s pattern of digital behavior that law enforcement, officers of the jury, corporate organizations can utilize to create a profile of who a person of interest might be. This trove of digital artifacts can be invaluable in deciding cases where we are presented with actions and in-actions of any individual of interest.
Digital forensics, especially mobile digital forensics, has the potential to give t only machine generated digital data unique to a device, but also to its user or owner and other associated footprints. This is where smart, dedicated and well trained people who use proven software and established procedures excel at bringing a culprit to justice and making our world less of crime.
By Ehiwe .D. Dominic PhD (Consultant, Digital Forensic & Open Source Intelligence)