The acting Director-General, Securities and Exchange Commission, Ms Mary Uduk, tells IFEANYI ONUBA the steps being taken by the commission to protect the capital market from the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, among other issues PUNCH reports
The country has been on lockdown for over two weeks due to the coronavirus pandemic, what impact is this having on the Nigerian capital market?
It’s not looking very good but we have put measures in place to ensure the market don’t shut down. Presently trade is going on in the various exchanges that make up our market.
The Nigerian Stock Exchange is continuing with trading, the Financial Dealers Market Exchange and all the Exchanges are actually continuing and everything is going well.
In the past, we talked a lot about Financial Technology and how it has disrupted the market but now its COVID-19 that has so disrupted the market, disrupted everything the way it is.
Therefore as human beings, we have to adapt to be able to ensure that our lives continue and not allow COVID-19 to put our lives on hold. So, we are leveraging on technology.
Initially, people were afraid of technology but right now it has become a saving grace given the COVID–19 pandemic. So, most of us are leveraging technology; we have put our business continuity plan in process, staff are working remotely, we are interacting with market operators, they are also working remotely.
Do you have adequate equipment to work from remote locations in view of the fact that the lockdown came unexpectedly?
Our staff are equipped to be able to continue to work remotely and support the market in every area. We have also issued circulars to capital market operators guiding them on how we expect that the market would remain open and that the market continues to function seamlessly.
Like you know we use phones, we have had meetings using phones, in the last three days, we use phone to hold meetings for two to three hours, this include my staff and other market operators. We use Zoom(application) to also have meetings if we want to see each other and so many other ways.
So far, are you satisfied with the way the capital market is going in view of the current lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic?
We are happy with the way the capital market is going, we have released about three circulars concerning the action against the COVID-19.
One of them was to tell the entire capital market operators to give us report on their business continuity plan and processes and as you can see the market is trading and everyone has activated their BCP. The stock exchanges, the clearing houses and even the brokers, and all capital market operators are all operating with their BCP. We have also asked the public companies to make sure that they continue to send out information. It is their responsibilities to make sure that investors are informed.
So we have said that they should give out information on how COVID–19 would affect them if possible. They are also to make forecast and outlook to let investors know how the pandemic can affect their operation in terms of volatility and others. We have also put up email address that people can use to send returns. So what we have done is for the capital market to continue to work while we are on lock down and we have advised everyone under our purview and investors on how to invest.
What role is remote trading playing for you at the SEC and how supportive is the commission towards that?
Most of the exchanges particularly when you talk of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, FMDQ, and the new Commodities Exchanges, they have all activated their remote business plans and all of them are trading remotely.
Also an exchange like the NSE over the years had spent a lot of money to put in place a lot of technology related infrastructure and right now is beginning to reap the fruit of all of that investment and same with other exchanges.
All of them have put their BCP in place and are trading remotely, for instance all of them have moved staff very close to their offices where they are able to support the market, the dealers, issuers and trade remotely as well as ensuring that investors reach their investments and also make investments decisions.
The commission also issued circulars to ask the exchanges and other market operators to activate their remote trading processes to be able to support the market.
There is no doubt that the impact of COVID-19 would affect the level of investor confidence in the capital market, how are you dealing with this?
There is a gap in every market not just ours, I am sure you have been following the foreign markets in the United States, Europe and Asian market.
They have had many ups and downs during this period. I would even say that in the past two weeks our market has been more resilient than most markets. So talking about confidence in this period of COVID-19, we have not done badly, our trading has continued but, for confidence over time, the SEC has been doing a lot to ensure that we have a return to robust investor confidence.
We lost some confidence in 2007/08 when there was crisis, we had a lot of the retail part of the market exit that market. But that was because we did not have a lot of things in place. But now, we have many measures we have put in place to improve market confidence.
What are some of these measures?
One of them is the e-dividend system we have put in to ensure investors get their dividend directly. The dividend doesn’t have to be routed through stockbrokers any longer. We also have continued to educate the investors on how to approach the market, we have continued to ensure that market conduct improved, we are working to deepen the market to ensure there is improved confidence. We are optimistic that confidence in the market will continue to improve.
What is the SEC doing to protect investors from the negative impact of COVID-19?
For investor protection, we ensure that no one takes your money away in an illegal manner and the protection is not that somebody will compensate you. A regulator will also tell you to try and diversify your portfolio, try to talk to experts and their different vehicles of investments so in one way or the other they will have effect of the market cushion on their wealth.
For the regulator what we are interested in are -do you have an efficient market, do you have a liquid market so that transaction cost will be reasonable, so that someone does not take advantage of another person? But market can move up or move down, all we can do as a regulator is to ensure that people do appropriate disclosure so that I don’t have information and hide it and then use that information at your detriment.
But if all those are done and market moves up or down there is almost little or nothing we can do about it and that is the essence of investment.
Concerning investor protection, we ensure that nobody takes your money away in an illegal manner, but the protection is not that somebody will compensate you when the market moves down. But the regulator will always tell you to try to diversify your portfolios, try to talk to experts and sometimes there are different vehicles of investments so that investors one way or the other will have the impact of the market cushioned on their wealth.
When market moves up, it is an advantage to some people and when it comes down it is also an advantage to some people to buy. The cardinal principle of the market is to buy low and sell high, so when it moves up there are some people who are ready there to take profit and that is why when we say market goes down on the back of investors taking profit.
So whichever way the market goes, as long as investors monies are not taken illegally, the cyclical movement of market is just a natural way that a capital market operates.
What are some of the steps being taken by the commission to boost the level of liquidity in the Nigerian capital market?
We believe that Nigeria is ripe for vibrant and a robust commodities market. So there has been engagement with the stakeholders such as the Standards Organisation of Nigeria, to establish standards for our commodities, so that we can create market and build market for it.
We have a Commodities Ecosystem World Group that has come up with exciting recommendations on what we need to do to have a good commodities market. We are also looking at the derivatives market, the rules have been exposed to the market and it would soon be approved and implemented. So, very soon, we hope to have an exchange traded derivatives in the market.
All these are to deepen the market, improve liquidity in the market, make the market more vibrant, make the market more attractive for investors.
Since you assumed this position,Ponzi Scheme has been a major area that you have given zero tolerance to. How have you been able to tackle this issue?
Ponzi scheme is prohibited by the provisions in Section 38(1) of the Investment and Securities Act. The Act does not allow people that are not registered to collect money from the public or authorised by SEC to do so. Therefore, whoever collects money from the public without being registered by the SEC, first has done that illegally.
In terms of Ponzi scheme, it is different from people just collecting money illegally, but Ponzi schemes are those who collect money from people and promise them mouth-watering interest which is not sustainable. Some of them like the MMM, Jung-Dong and so many of them and others that have collected money from the public in the past promising them those kind of interest that their business fundamentals did not support.
So they collect money from the first set of people and pay them mouth-watering interest. By the time they don’t have people bringing money again, they are not able to pay subsequent people that they are collecting money from, and before you know it, they close their doors and disappear.
People will start crying that the commission is not protecting them and therefore we are saying to the investing public that every capital market operator that is licensed to operate in this market must be registered by the commission and their names are on the website of the commission.
We will continue to work to protect investors and to ensure the promoters of Ponzi schemes are made to face the full wrath of the law and the commission is stepping up its regulatory oversight to ensure that such illegal entities are sealed off quickly.
Ponzi Schemes are illegal and that is why we keep warning the public about the dangers of these outfits. Once we have information of anyone engaging in illegal fund management business, our enforcement department working with our police unit, shut them down and the promoters are handed over to the relevant law enforcement agencies for further actions. We are therefore advising the general public to distance themselves from such schemes, as anyone that subscribes to these illegal activities, does so at their own risk.