Today, the official number of confirmed Corona Virus (COVID-19) cases in Nigeria has risen to 30 and indications are that this number might yet increase in the days to come as more people submit themselves for screening. I am therefore compelled and indeed duty bound to issue this press statement.

Experts have opined that the spread of the virus can be significantly reduced by our actions (and inactions) especially through personal hygiene, social distancing, and where applicable, self-isolation. I encourage everyone to adopt these measures.

For some months now, my friends and I have been traversing different branches of the NBA across the country, attending meetings and events to create awareness about the issues affecting the legal profession in Nigeria and to discuss how we can together make the Bar work for all.

However, in the light of the prevailing circumstances and in the interest of public health and safety, I have chosen to lead by example by calling off, with effect from Monday 23rd of March 2020, all such travels and visits until further notice. I also regret that I will be unable to honour invitations to various events that I have been asked to attend or speak at. I crave the indulgence of the organisers of these events, and urge them to, where possible, postpone or cancel such events in the light of the realities of the times.

At Templars, we have also activated a teleworking protocol that would enable everyone in the Firm to work from home with effect from Tuesday 24th of March 2020 until further notice. I believe that these steps are necessary to protect the public and curb the spread of the dreaded virus.

As lawyers, we all have constantly taken pride in putting the needs of our clients, and indeed the profession, first in all that we do. Perhaps, events like these, as inconvenient as they may be, present us with an opportunity to be more attentive to, and proactive about, our health and the safety of our environment. We must do all that is required of us to stay healthy even as the world continues to take measures to contain the spread of this global pandemic.

Thus, as we engage in our day to day activities, I encourage all to bear in mind that our primary goal should be to take all necessary precautions required to contain the spread of COVID-19. I therefore call on each and everyone of us to abide by the preventive health measures recommended by the World Health Organisation and other government agencies who are doing everything possible to contain this unfortunate development. We must also avoid spreading false and misleading information which in most cases creates unnecessary panic amongst our people.

Whilst I remain assured that we will overcome the menace of COVID-19, I urge us all to stay safe for our families, friends and clients.