A group of terrorists, locally referred to as bandits, attacked the General Hospital in Kankara town, located in Kankara Local Government Area of Katsina State, on Tuesday night. During the attack, the bandits shot Dr. Murtala Sale Dandashire, a medical doctor on duty, and kidnapped at least five people within the hospital.

The incident was reported by a source named Bakatsine, who shared an image of the injured doctor on his social media platform, X. Bakatsine wrote, “Yesterday night, bandits stormed Kankara General Hospital in Kankara LGA of Katsina State, shooting Dr. Murtala Sale Dandashire and abducting five people.”

He also pointed out the increasing threat to hospital security in Katsina State, noting that within the past three months, bandits have attacked three hospitals, including Kurfi General Hospital, Mai Tsani Hospital in Dutsin-ma LGA, and Kankara General Hospital.

Dr. Dandashire, who hails from Kankara LGA, was recognized as the best graduating medical student of 2019 from the prestigious Medical School of Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria.

As of now it has not been verified whether Dr. Dandashire survived the attack. Efforts to contact the spokesperson for the Katsina State Police Command, Abubakar Sadiq Aliyu, for further details were unsuccessful.