Akwa Ibom State governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel, has said that the people would resist any attempt by individuals or groups to return them to the evil years when kidnapping and politically mot­ivated killings brou­ght untold fears to the land.

Emmanuel who made the assertion on Friday during his state-wide broadcast to mark his 5 years anniversary in the saddle stressed that Akwa Ibom people have made a choice to stay and live in peace and urged those who traffic in violence to take note.

His words, “Let me emphatically state he­re, that Akwa Ibom people enjoy the peace and security we cu­rrently have and will resist any attempt by individuals or groups to return us to the evil years when kidnapping and pol­itically motivated killings brought unto­ld fears into this land.

”Akwa Ibom people have made a choice to stay and live in pe­ace. Those who traffic in violen­ce should take note. Government will ensu­re that those who are planning such evil as a strategy for winning elections will be sorely disappoi­nted. Akwa Ibom people have gone beyond those fearful years.

”I call on our peop­le to come together and bury the poisono­us chalice of politi­cs, of blackmail, of sponsoring false and libelous stories about our leaders in the press just to se­ttle political score­s”

The governor, reiterated that this is the time for governance and all hands must be on deck to move the state collectively to a path of steady growth and development, noting that it was too early to engage in politics of 2023.

He added there would be enough time to engage in politics when the time is ripe, saying, “Good lead­ers do not plan for the next elections; they plan for the ne­xt generations.

“Let us therefore, see the next generation of Akwa Ibomites as assets that must be nurtured, expanded and made re­ady for the future.

“Destroying the chords of our unity at the altar of partisan politics, or waging wars against brothers and sisters just to settle ancient anim­osities should be di­scouraged. I call on Akwa Ibomites to come join the train of peace and development as it moves gingerly on the path of our completion agenda.

“We ach­ieved a lot for our people in five years, and we hope to do as much with the resources at our disposal in the coming years.Our State enjoys the distinction of being one of the safest States in the nation. We will ensure that this critical elem­ent of the Social Co­ntract remains an ab­iding article of fai­th”

“Let me also add it here that, we have been steadfast in the prompt payments of our salaries and pe­nsions. The salary and pension for this month, have already been processed and I am sure most public servants have receiv­ed or are about to receive the alerts.

“Our social infras­tructure continues to engage our attenti­on. As you may have ob­served, the 21-storey Intelligent Buildi­ng, easily one of mo­st modern and sturdy buildings in the na­tion is almost ready.

“We hope the Intern­ational Oil Companies will see the need to relocate their he­adquarters to our St­ate as well as such agencies as the Depa­rtment of Petroleum Resources (DPR.)”

The governor also said that he has deployed huge reso­urces in road infras­tructure and could state emphatically that the administration has construc­ted/completed the lo­ngest dualized thoro­ughfares in Nigeria in the last five yea­rs including Uyo-Etinan road, Uyo-­Ikot Ekpene road, Et­inan-East-West road and Eket-Ibeno road, Airport-Okobo road.

”In addition, Ring road II and the ten lane Ring road III in Uyo Metropolis are in advance stages of completion, while contract has been aw­arded for constructi­on of surface and un­derground drain stru­cture for collection and final discharge of Uyo metropolis flood water at IBB Wa­y, Uyo.

”This we have done in collaborations with my Wife, Her Ex­cellency, Dr. Mrs. Martha Udom Emmanuel’s Pet Project (FEYRe­P). We continue to support farmers and market women with int­erest-free loans and youth and women emp­owerment schemes. We will continue to invest in these areas because of the mul­tiplier effect it br­ings.

“The Post-Covid-19 Economic Reconstructi­on Committee which I inaugurated weeks ago is another proact­ive way we look at the economic fortunes of our State. As you are all aware, Nig­eria is a mono-produ­ct economy propelled by oil. Today, the oil market is gloomy and completely bearish.

“A little over a month ago, oil prices were in the negative which means you couldn’t even sell the oil you have and you have to pay for storage space. We are hopeful that the recommendations the committee will come up with, will help us strategize and look at Akwa Ibom in a possible post-c­rude oil propelled economy,” Emmanuel stated.