The Pope, Francis the First, has declared that the sin of adultery is not the most serious of sins, ranking pride and hatred as “the most serious.”

The Pope made his comments during a question and answer session with journalists on a flight back to Italy from Greece on Monday.

“It was a failing against the sixth commandment (You shall not commit adultery) but not a total one, one of small caresses, massage given to his secretary – that is what the accusation is,” Francis said. “There is a sin there but not the worst kind.”

The Pope’s comments followed the resignation of an archbishop, who quit over a relationship with a woman earlier this month. On Monday, the Pope accepted the resignation of Mr Aupetit. He noted that the resignation was accepted not due to Mr Aupetit’s sin, but that the news left him in a position where he could no longer govern the diocese.

Mr Aupetit asked for forgiveness after reports emerged concerning his relationship with a woman, though he denied having any relationship with the unnamed woman. In the Catholic church, archbishops and higher members of the church take the vow of clerical celibacy, which requires them abstain from sex.