Plateau State Governor Simon Lalong

Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State has decried the constant agitation for the amendment to the Nigerian constitution, saying citizens’ attitude was affecting the smooth operation of the document.

Lalong spoke in Jos on Monday at the opening of the 2019 Law Week of the Nigeria Bar Association, Jos branch.

The governor noted that, whereas the American system was based on pure federalism where the federating units enjoy wide autonomy from the Central Government, the Nigerian federalism was pseudo-federal and more of a unitary arrangement in real terms.

This, he said, explained the constant agitation and attempts to amend the constitution to bring it in tandem with modern realities.

He, however, said despite the differences in the practice of the two constitutions, Nigerians, particularly legal professionals and the elite, must continue to be patient until the country was able to make governance seamless and effective.

Lalong said, “I make bold to submit that whatever the provisions of the constitution, it is our attitude and level of patriotism that will make it work.

“Let us do all that is necessary to allow the rule of law prevail. Only then can the constitution has any impact on the lives of the citizens.”

The governor assured the lawyers that his government remained committed to providing a conducive environment for them and judges to operate.

He added, “We are building more courts and equipping them. As I speak to you, the new High Court Complex is nearing completion and we hope to inaugurate the furnished complex during the next anniversary of this administration.

“We are also paying attention to the training of lawyers, particularly in our state university in Bokkos, where we are putting infrastructure in place for the Faculty of Law.

“Our Rescue Administration remains faithful to obeying court orders in line with the rule of law and expects that citizens and organisations will do the same for the continued peace and prosperity of our state.”

Lalong urged the lawyers to join hands with his administration to ensure the success of the multi-door courthouse, “which we have put in place to facilitate alternative dispute resolutions as we encourage investors to come into Plateau.”