Deji Adeyanju, an Abuja-based human rights activist, on Wednesday disclosed how Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), was deceived and arrested.

Adeyanju alleged that the Nigerian government used a politician Kanu trusted to lure him out.

He alleged that the politician was used to deceive Kanu into engaging in a peace talk.

Nnamdi Kanu: Arrest Pantami, Gumi too – Adeyanju tells Buhari govt
Reacting to the remark by the United Kingdom, the convener of Concerned Nigerian said the IPOB leader was arrested in an African country where the peace talk was scheduled to hold.

In a tweet, the popular activist said a top ranking official in the government disclosed this to him in confidence.

“Kanu was not arrested in the UK.

“Someone high up in the Govt told me they used a guy, a politician Kanu trusted, to deceive him to come for peace talks and arrested him in one of the African countries.

“You will recall that Buhari even made comments that IPOB should give peace a chance,” Adeyanju wrote.