When certain actions are allowed to remain, it grows until it becomes a culture. A new normal thus emerges. A culture of oppression never abates without a complete excise.

Nigerians are a resilient lot. We simply adjust to several anomalies, wishing that it goes away or God gives us the grace to accommodate such.

Over the years, successive governments have given us reasons why pump prices must be allowed to increase. One major reason is that the monies realised will be used to revamp our refineries. Nigerians should now be tired of these lies. I may be wrong but time will tell, because when we get tired, we will stand up.

The authorities keep reeling out figures to justify the continuous importation of Fuel. Sometimes we are told that the refineries are not functional or that they are not functioning optimally. Lies sound better when told in good English.

Sometime ago we rejoiced when the news that Modular refineries will be given licences to operate but unfortunately nothing has come out of such promises.
Our law enforcement agencies gladly destroy “illegal” refineries. After all the State determines what is legal or illegal.

What is then the essence of teaching students ‘distillation’. What’s the essence of having Universities of Technology that offer courses in Petroleum Engineering. Sometimes I wonder what students of Petroleum Engineering are taught. Does it mean that we can’t refine fuel in this country. Must we import the fuel that we use in this country. Those who took part in the Civil War reported that Crude Oil was being refined albeit crudely, yet in times of peace a “woke” generation can’t replicate such feat.

It is abnormal for people to accept a life of oppression. It is sad that an oppressive system is foisted on a whole nation and Nigerians are comfortable with this mess. Only a sick man defecates on his bed.

Can’t we do better?
Dr. Rapulu Ernest Nduka
NBA National Publicity Secretary-Elect