The saying goes that, “All is well that ends well.”
When we began this journey, the singular unifying factor that brought us all together was the yawning need to fill wide gaping void for Transformational Leadership in the NBA.
We prayed for a Moses who would lead the Bar to the promised Land of salvaging the Bar from its fast waning days of glory, and God so kind, we had our prayers answered in the person of Olumide Akpata.
Olu seemed the unlikeliest of candidates, being the only non-SAN amongst the various contestants. But little did we know that Olu had been destined to lead the Bar to greater heights, heights where the Bar would work efficiently for all and sundry irrespective of pedigree or status.
It was such a herculean task as we all collectively surmounted and surpassed all the hurdles and setbacks we encountered on the way to achieving this goal.
But alas, tonight, we can proudly say together with Saint Paul that we have run the good race, and fought the fight to the finish, and together we can enjoy the crown jewel of an NBA that WORKS FOR ALL.
Congratulations to us all for the emergence of OLUMIDE AKPATA as the 30th President of the Nigerian Bar Association.
#Oluforall #NBAforall