The Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators welcomes her members, and the general public, to register for her continuing professional development course on Negotiation techniques for out of court settlement.
Every day in Nigeria, in every Magistrate Court and High Court, and even at Police Stations, parties are seeking leave to settle their cases amicably, or reporting progress or the lack of it in settlement negotiations, or reporting that settlement has resulted in an agreement, or has failed to yield results. Alas, too many times the result has been negative, resulting in jaded views that settlement talks are a waste of time.
However, efforts at a negotiated settlement is yielding results for those who get it right. The problem is not that Settlement negotiations do not work; the problem is that the parties and their representatives may be employing the wrong approach and falling into certain pitfalls that stymie progress and result in failure and frustration.
The Objectives of this Course are to:
• Highlight the benefits of out of Court Settlement over full litigation
• Identify some likely pitfalls in usual techniques employed in Settlement Negations
• Develop Key Skills required for Successful Out of Court Settlement Negotiations
• Create understanding of theoretical framework for successful out of Court Settlement Negotiations
It is the hope that this Course will assist the participants develop key skills in the following areas:
• Conflict Analysis
• Understanding Negotiation Strategies
• Developing WATNA and BATNA
• Understanding Resistance Points and Zones of Possible Agreement
• Identifying the best possible settlement agreement possible
The course is scheduled to hold as follows:
Date: July 21, 2020
Time: 2pm – 5pm
Venue: Zoom
Course fee:
ICMC Members: N10,000
Non Members: N15,000
To register, kindly contact Chimdimma (08063816153, [email protected]) Mercy (07038896753, [email protected])