The Election Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association(ECNBA) has released the names of properly nominated candidates for the 2020 election that is scheduled to take place on the 29th of July.

This was contained in a statement with No:. 013, released by the Committee signed by the Chairman Tawo. E.Tawo and the Secretary, Cordelia Eke.

According to the statement, Candidates are required to submit an A4 size copy of his/her curriculum vitae (of not more than 4 pages), a comprehensive manifesto and other campaign materials (all in electronic form) on or before 6:00PM on Monday 6th July 2020, for upload on the NBA website.

The statement reads:



In accordance with the provisions of the Nigerian Bar Association Constitution 2015 (as Amended) and upon the conclusion of nominations, screening and appeals processes, the ECNBA presents the full list of properly nominated candidates cleared to contest the NBA National Officers Elections for the year 2020.

Following the expression of interest by candidates, the ECNBA initially granted provisional clearance to 24 out of the 43 aspirants nominated for various offices and rejected the nominations of 19 Aspirants. The Committee later heard Appeals from 18 of the 19 aspirants on their merits. Some of the Appeals succeeded, while others failed and one was withdrawn. The Committee also considered petitions against some aspirants, leading to the withdrawal of the provisional clearance previously granted one of the Candidates. Having concluded the Appeals process, the ECNBA now presents a list of 28 candidates cleared to contest various offices in the NBA National Officers Elections 2020.

Further to the above, the ECNBA requests every cleared Candidate to submit  an A4 size copy of his/her curriculum vitae (of not more than 4 pages), a comprehensive manifesto and other campaign materials (all in electronic form) on or before 6:00PM on Monday 6th July 2020, for upload on the NBA website.

For the avoidance of doubt, campaigns can only be carried out by publication of campaign materials supplied to the ECNBA to be hoisted on the NBA website. Travelling across the country to solicit for votes is prohibited.

It should be emphasized that candidates are bound to strictly comply with provisions of the Nigerian Bar Association Constitution 2015 (as amended) and the ECNBA Guidelines with respect to their conduct and that of their supporters, in the course of the electioneering process. Any violation of these will be severely sanctioned including disqualification from contesting the elections.


In compliance with Paragraph 1.3 (d) Second Schedule, Constitution of the Nigerian Bar Association 2015 (as amended) the Committee published a full list of eligible voters on the 1st day of July, 2020 which list is currently being cleaned of any errors in readiness for the election.

We continue to emphasize the need for members to verify and update their details on the NBA website on or before the 15th day of July, 2020. This is to ensure that everyone can access the voting portal during the elections as only those who are verified can vote. For the avoidance of doubt, members are to ensure that all their necessary and relevant data are verified and updated on the NBA website.

The attention of the Committee has been drawn to efforts by some aspirants and/or their supporters to erect parallel help desks for verification or voting for the elections. This no doubt has the likely effect of compromising the integrity of the electoral process. In view of the already existing help desk set up by the NBA (ECNBA Statement No. 012), the Committee finds this practice unacceptable. We advise that such efforts be dismantled immediately not to interfere with the mandate of the Committee, confuse our members or be interpreted as attempts to harvest members’ details for use at the elections. For assistance on verification or voting, the NBA has set up a help desk with help lines for the assistance of members as follows:

  1. 081 6801 1578
  2. 081 6537 4194
  3. 081 6503 7594
  4. 081 6718 1605

For support with the verification process, you may send an email to [email protected]

The ECNBA is committed to free, fair and credible elections and counting on the support of members to attain this objective. Please get verified.

Dated This 3rd Day of July, 2020

Tawo E. Tawo, SAN              Cordelia U. Eke (Mrs.)

Chairman                               Secretary

Click the link to see the full list.