Publicity Secretary NBA Anaocha Branch, Afoma .E. Anika, has raised alarm over the sudden disqualification of the Election Committee Chairman of the branch, Chief Ejike Okaphor.

A member of the branch, Kevin Ezeoke, had earlier written to the Chairman of the branch Jideofor Okongwu, alleging that Okaphor was not qualified to conduct the branch elections on the Sole ground that he failed to pay his branch dues and Bar Practice Fee as at when due or even at all.

However, the Publicity Secretary, in defense to the allegation against Okaphor, said that Okaphor’s name was contained on the list provided by the National to vote.

“The Chairman of the Branch, consequently called for a meeting of the executive of our dear young Branch to determine the allegations contained in the said petition.

“A meeting in that respect has been held by the available members of executive due to time constraints and it was found as follows:

“Taking cognizance of the fact that payment of practice fee and branch dues is a condition most sacrosanct to qualify to participate in the National Elections of our dear Association,

“Chief Ejike Okaphor’s name is contained on the list of members qualified to vote from Anaocha Branch. ( see no. 4711 of the Second published list of voters from the National Body)

“The list compiled for the National body was sent from the Branch after verifications that members have indeed complied with the Constitutional requirements.

“There is however no convincing proof that Chief Ejike Okaphor is indeed not qualified to participate in the scheduled election or head the Election Committee.

“By a majority decision of the present executive the petition was found not to have merit,” he said.

However, in a telephone conversation with the branch Chairman, Okongwu, informed TheNigeriaLawyer(TNL) that when he received the letter from the petitioner, he quickly summoned a meeting for the Executive members

“I do not want my name to be dragged as a Chairman who conducted an election on the grounds of irregularities.

“I was the person who appointed him before the allegations was brought against him.

“I called for an emergency meeting which some of the Executive members available attended and resolved that he be removed.

“The branch statement of account was printed, we found out that his name was not on the list of those who paid Bar branch due. Based on this we told him to step down,” the Chairman said.

The Chairman also threw light on why his name appeared on the Provisional list of the ECNBA.

“We sent the names of all the members to National which appeared in the provisional list published by the National Election Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association(ECNBA).

“The last list which came out last week by the ECNBA does not have his name, that is to say he is not qualified to even vote.

“We are going on with the election today since it has been scheduled to hold,” he added.

Recall that payment of Bar Practicing Fee and branch dues is a condition most sacrosanct to qualify to participate in the election and to hold the office of Chairman Election Committee.