(A Letter To The Nigerian Lawyer)
(By Ahmad Bolakale Eleburuike Esq)
Dear Nigerian Lawyer, I can see that some of you are excited about NBA affairs while some of you are indifferent. I have heard so many reasons for this divergence of interests and opinions. I write to appeal to those of you who may have one reason or another for either staying away or for being indifferent, to please neither lose hope nor interest. Hear Avijeet Das: “Stay Strong And Never Give Up!” Mouloud Benzadi echoed, ”Never lose hope as any pain you’ve been feeling, will soon go away, and greater joy is on the way.” NBA may not have got where it ought be, but it has left where it used to be. The journey to the promised land is like Rome that was not built in a day. So, please lose neither interest nor hope.
As an active, Bona Fide member of the NBA, since you’re call to the bar, you have been paying your BPF (Bar Practicing Fees) and your Branch Dues. Now, remember the adage: “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” Whatever affects the NBA affects us all as NBA members, directly or directly. NBA is our home, our primary constituency; we ought to have and show far more interest in NBA affairs, than mere onlookers,
What is more? If we do not participate in NBA affairs and elections, bad and inefficient leaders might be enthroned for the Bar, and we all would be the worse for it, as such would directly or indirectly negatively impact on the legal profession and its members. We can’t have good leaders in a democratic environment unless good people participate in elections; just as nothing will work unless we do. Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” John Stuart Mill put it this way, “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” This is why it is important for us all to show interest and to actively participate in the process of choosing our leaders.
May I now earnestly plead with you to join #TeamAjibade2020, so that, as a more united family, we can together make greater progress and effect greater reforms towards lifting and placing the NBA in the NextLevel. A Cerebral Doctor of Laws; Celebrated Senior Advocate of Nigeria; Consummate Courtroom Advocate; Phenomenal Solicitor; Exceptionally Unassuming Diplomat; Sagacious Administrator; Pragmatic Visionary & Transparently Honest. Dr Babatunde AJIBADE, SAN, FCIArb is an idea whose time is now. He stands out from the pack!
Don’t distracted by bogus stories and unfounded claims from elsewhere. Come this side; we would do better with Dr AJIBADE, SAN.
Long live NBA!
Thank you ?
I am your learned friend,