Dr BABATUNDE AJIBADE’s stepping forward to Unite the Nigerian Bar For Greater Growth is not necessarily because he is a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), and Nigerian lawyers are wise and discerning enough to not allow themselves to be distracted or swayed by such irrelevant sentiment of ”let’s try a non-SAN,” unless one is now saying that being a SAN is an offence, which is not correct.

While #TeamAjibade2020 recognizes that even a non SAN could be competent to occupy, and do well in, office as the NBA President, there is nothing wrong with voting in a man/woman who is obviously more competent, more experienced, more pragmatic, more diplomatic, much more vast in knowledge, and
who possesses all what else it takes to move the Nigerian NBA to a higher pedestal, in addition to his/her being a distinguished Learned Silk. ▪️Dr AJIBADE clearly earned his status as a SAN, based on his outstanding performance as a practicing advocate and his sterling contributions to the development and wellbeing of the profession of law in Nigeria. No Nigerian has cast any doubt on Dr Ajibade’s worthiness for that title. We don’t need to recall that he was the very first to be awarded that title among his call mates

On a general note, becoming a Senior Advocate of Nigeria is no mean feat. It’s only reasonable that a lawyer who has clearly earned it and has consistently and outstandingly justified the award and possession of the title, should not be vilified nor be discriminated against only on that ground. It is therefore obvious that statements such as “let’s try a non-SAN,” are not only immature, awkward, but also irrelevant to the issues at stake now, which bother squarely on the future & wellbeing of the legal profession in Nigeria.

A lawyer’s decision to support a candidate should be based on credible, objective, and unsentimental considerations, not on some parochial and myopic factors. If a lawyer is a SAN and the same lawyer is the best among the aspirants, it would in my humble opinion be unfair to decide or to vote against him only because he or she is a SAN.

Finally, there is no doubt that the legal profession in Nigeria is currently facing serious challenges. Yet, no particular segment of the profession could be said to be solely responsible for these challenges. Neither the SANs nor the non-SANs are solely blameful for the condition or problems of the legal profession and of lawyers in Nigeria. Beside the aforesaid, some of our colleagues have alluded to what they describe as “the unbecoming conduct of some SANs” to explain their anger and resentment against holders of the SAN title. Please, permit me to respectfully ask, why would any colleague rely on the misconduct (if any) of only just a handful of some learned silks, to detest an NBA aspirant who coincidentally is a SAN? Are all SANs bad or evil? Are all non SANs bad or evil? If we reject a SAN or all SANs simply because of the misconduct of just few of his/her brother silks, then, in the same manner, should we now call for the rejection of all non-SANs only because there are obviously some non-SANs whose conducts leave very much to be desired?

In my humble opinion, unprofessional conducts are found both among SANs and among non-SANs just as excellence abounds among SANs as it does among non-SANs. So, why vent our anger unnecessarily against the SANs? Please, I beg us, let’s remain objective and not get carried away by irrelevant, immature and sentimental campaign statements, slogans or gossips. Let’s stand up and be counted for the *Unity and Greater Growth * of this noble profession. Being a SAN is neither unprofessional nor an offence; it is rather an achievement and a thing to be celebrated. So, dear learned friend, when Next Anyone Tells You, “Let’s Try a Non-SAN,” Reply Him/Her With this: “Is It An Offence To Be A SAN?” ▪️Also ask him or her this question: if an aspirant is a SAN and such an aspirant is the best for the bar at this moment, why not we queue behind him/her in the very best interest of this profession? 1️⃣A deeply experienced, and active Courtroom Advocate! 2️⃣A deeply Experienced, And Active Commercial Solicitor? 3️⃣A Deeply Experienced Legal Consultant! 4️⃣A Deeply Experienced, Consummate Intellectual! 5️⃣A Deeply Experienced & Committed Bar Man! 6️⃣A Philanthropist Per Excellence! 7️⃣A Deeply Experienced Diplomat! 8️⃣An Astute Corporate Administrator! 9️⃣Tranparently Honest & Unassuming! ?Easily Approachable! 1️⃣1️⃣Undoubtedly Down To Earth. & 1️⃣2️⃣With a most-appealing personality! ▪️Dr Babatunde AJIBADE is all these rolled together into one. ▪️ An Idea Whose Time Is Now! ▪️Join:
I remain,
yours faithfully,
Sylvester Udemezue