Sharing face masks is dangerous, the Presidential Task Force (PTF) on (COVID-19) Control, warned on Tuesday.
Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) and Chairman of the PTF on COVID-19, Boss Mustapha, who raised the concern, also described the refusal by some Nigerians to observe physical distancing as worrisome.
In his opening remarks during the daily media briefing by the PTF in Abuja, the SGF revealed that besides the fact that some people share face masks among themselves, some others go about picking thrashed disposable masks for recycling and resale
The practice, he warned, put at risk, not just those engaging in such practices, but the entire population.
He said: “The PTF has become aware of the on-going practice of sharing masks and picking of masks for recycling from dump sites. This places a lot of responsibilities on all of us to be self-educated and to educate others.
“The following points are emphasized:
With the exception of fabric masks, every disposable used mask is a hazardous medical waste and should be disposed of properly, preferably by burning;
It is very risky to share masks as the virus is capable of remaining on surfaces for several hours and you could get infected.
The unhealthy practice of picking up disposed masks for whatever purpose is harmful to both the individual picking it and whoever procures it later.
“Particularly, it will be helpful for high risk people such as the elderly and those with comorbidities, to wear masks or face covering and avoid crowded places.