Dear Colleagues,

This is a critical period in our national and professional lives with the outbreak of Covid – 19 (Corona virus).

As both Federal and various States Governments enforce the lock down, it will no doubt affect our prospects economic and financial wise.

Let us be patient and cooperate with the Government in fighting this menace, I am hopeful that it will not be long there will be a panacea and the end of this scourge.

During this period, it is important to continue looking after your physical and mental health;

1. Eat a healthy and nutritious diet which helps your immune system to function properly.

2. Limit your alcohol consumption and avoid sugary drinks.

3. Quit smoking.

4. Exercise daily, WHO recommends 30 minutes of physical activities for adults a day and 1 hour a day for children . If you can not leave the house, find an exercise video on line, dance to music or walk up and down the stairs.

5. If you are working at home, make sure you do not sit in the same position for long periods. Get up and get a 3 minutes brake every 30minutes.

6. Be conscious of your mental health. Listen to music, read books, speak with your neighbors and loved ones, seek information from official quarters, be wary of fake news and do not aid its dissemination.

Most importantly, it’s also important to note the BASIC PROTECTIVE MEASURES OF COVID- 19.

1. Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. In the absence of water, clean your hands with an alcohol based hand sanitizer.

2. Maintain social distance at least 1 meter (3 feet) from any one who is coughing or sneezing.

3. Practice respiratory hygiene, cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing to limit the spread of germs.

4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth especially when you did not wash your hands with soap thoroughly.

5. Greet people with a wave, nod or bow.

6. If you do have a fever, cough, difficulty in breathing seek medical attention.

7. Avoid crowds, maintain social distancing if there is a serious need to leave your house.



I appreciate our health professionals risking their lives in this critical situation.

We will all smile in the end.

Fmr Secretary, NBA Awka Branch.
(Always think positive)