* Church schools, social activities suspended
As the number of cases of Coronavirus keeps rising, the Catholic Bishop Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) has directed all parishes to suspend the sign of peace (shaking of hands and hugging) during Masses.
The Bishops also said that all schools owned by the church should suspend all academic activities, while wedding and social activities in the church remain suspended.
This is contained in a statement issued and signed by the President of CBCN, Most Reverend Augustine Akubueze.
The statement said “the reality of the fast-spreading Corona Virus undoubtedly calls for cooperation by everybody in order to curtail the rampaging nature of the disease.
“As a church, we shall follow the directives of the state authorities in curbing the spread of the virus. This will inevitably affect the practice of our faith. Aware of the scared responsibilities of our faith and practices, we hasten to urge cooperation with the government concerning the welfare of the citizenry.
“Therefore, we urge all Catholics and people of goodwill to cooperate in the observance of the adjustment we shall make regarding our liturgies. We also recommend Local Ordinary to give directives in their jurisdiction in the context of their specific social experience”.
On the recommendations of the CBCN, the statement said “we recommend the closure of all Catholic schools, from the university to primary levels until we gain some control over the spread of the disease.
“We encourage small unit congregation assemblies. The faithful are encouraged to continue with private devotions.
“We urge parishes to suspend the Sign of Peace which involves handshaking and hugging.
“Reception of the Holy Communion should be in such a way as to prevent touching of the recipient.
“Pastoral care and Sacraments are to be administered with utmost precautions (use hand sanitizer before and after, and wash hands thoroughly with soap and water often).
Communal holy water use at church entrances should be discouraged for now. Founts are preferable.
“Burial should be restricted to only the close family members of the deceased. Wedding and social celebrations should be suspended until the situation comes under control.
“Prayers and spiritual exercises to be provided in line with Catholic pastoral guidelines
“Chaplains are to be identified and communicated to the faithful where they live or work. Catholic hospitals, conference centers, and pastoral homes to institute Emergency Response measures (Committee, personal protective equipment including hand sanitizer, face mask, hand washing fonts with liquid soap dispenser, temperature monitor, etc.).
“Diocesan Health Coordinators are to provide information on available local support systems (telephone numbers of the state response centers, hotlines for persons in doubt or need, centre of care for identified cases, etc.).
“Catholic health workers are to be engaged for accurate information and professional counseling”.
The Catholic Bishops further while encouraging members Catholics to respect the social distance, said “but we must stand together in heart, mind, and spirit. These times call us to reach out to the deepest in store of human kindness. Good neighborliness comes naturally to us. Let us not lose this wonderful gift in these trying times”.
“We appeal to all our Priest to ensure that adequate care is taken to ensure that lines of communication are open to ensure that the poor and the vulnerable who live alone not abandoned. Standing together, hand in hand, God will see us through all this”, the statement added.