Muiz Banire

At the time of my piece on Alternative Contact Address, little did I realise that Nigerians were yearning for a reawakening, nay, revival, of moral standards of the past commonly taken f0or granted in other climes where values still matter.

Notwithstanding the warm reception of the message, I resolved not to make any further comment on the issue.

I was preparing another public service paper on open defecation in our environment as my last column for the year. However, on Thursday, December 19, I stumbled on a write-up on the same issue of importance of alternative contact address in The PUNCH newspaper written by Niran Adedokun whose writings I have come to treasure. His article, titled, “Banire and importance of an alternative address,” did not disappoint. It, however, prompted me to explore the matter further, particularly in light of what I consider to be the lacuna in our analysis of the subject.

Let me state that the lacuna in this context means a further area of discussion towards resolving our collective identifiable challenge and achieving the desired goal of the subject.

Before delving further into the issue, let me specially commend Adedokun for introducing another perspective to the issue. While my opinion in the alternative address piece was not set out to account for the factors responsible for the indiscretion or ‘misbehaviour’ of our people, Adedokun’s article was essentially on the causal factor of mass indiscretion.

What I intend to do in this article is to interrogate the way forward and, hopefully, provide the missing link. I hope there will be more Adedokuns to interrogate this aspect more towards a collective resolution of the challenge of why people worship public office and hang their hopes on public officers’ readiness to dispense official largesse in a Father Christmas opulence.

This becomes important against the background of the President’s speech that he will ensure a free and fair election during the transition in 2023. For the benefit of those that missed the two series, my initial article on the attitude of Nigerians to public office, which attitude is less befitting, and that of Adedokun, which accounts for the trigger of the indiscretion, largely, according to him, stemming from poverty (See

Let me state unequivocally that I concur in toto with the diagnosis of Adedokun, which, for years now, has been my position. The little that he did not get to is the fact that, in my view, it would appear that the abject poverty the people are consigned to is a deliberate policy of the political class.

It is in this connection that I remember the analysis of Francis Fukuyama in his book, The Origin of Political Order, in the preface to which he analysed the traditional Melanesian wantok politics in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Melanesian society is organised based on tribal arrangements of what anthropologists refer to as “segmentary lineages.” Each segment speaks a peculiar language different from the next and the tribes are referred to as wantok: a corruption of the English expression “one talk,” that is, people who speak the same language, and the resultant effect is that “Papua New Guinea hosts more than 900 mutually incomprehensible languages, nearly one-sixth of all of the world’s extant tongues.”

The same thing applies in Solomon Islands with a population of just about 500,000 who speak more than 70 different languages (See, Francis Fukuyama). Each wantok is led by a Big Man. What makes a Big Man is not hereditary but rather the ability to distribute food, money, pigs and other resources to the poor members of the traditional Melanesian society. Despite independence to Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands in the 1970s and the importation of modern western style of government dominated by multi-party democracy, the wantok understanding of leadership emergence has not left the traditional wantok consciousness as, according to Fukuyama, “…most voters in Melanesia do not vote for political programmes, rather, they support their Big Man and their wantok. If the Big Man (and an occasional Big Woman) can get elected to parliament, the new MP will use his or her influence to direct government resources back to the wantok, to help supporters with things like school fees, burial costs, and construction project. Despite the existence of a national government with all of the trappings of sovereignty, like a flag and an army, few residents of Melanesia have a sense of belonging to a larger nation, or being part of a social world much beyond their wantok.”

The interpretation of the above is evidently a poverty-stricken society, which is the lot of most mountainous areas like many parts of Papua New Guinea. Thus, every Big Man looks over his shoulders to avoid being displaced by another Big Man and his ability to distribute welfare package of what is ignominiously known as “stomach infrastructure” in Nigeria, which makes him relevant.

For a people to be subjugated to the inhuman treatment of surviving on their stomachs and their basic responsibilities of paying hospital bills, school fees, feeding, etc, to be transferred onto a politician is a product of a zenithal degree of poverty. The people must, therefore, remain poor for the Big Man to be relevant in politics.

The above scenario applies in Nigeria as if we were in a wantok circumstance with albeit a little bit fewer number of languages and a bigger population as the purported 200 million Nigerians speak not fewer than 350 languages. We are probably just made of bigger wantoks as we share other common political features of the Melanesians. Many voters in Nigeria, like in the Melanesian society, do not vote for ideas or political programmes but rather the hunger-induced sentiment of ‘he is rich and can provide the immediate needs.’ Little wonder, therefore, that there is hardly any political party in Nigeria with a clear-cut political ideology that members genuinely adore.

Poverty, therefore, becomes a potent weapon by which godfathers and comprador bourgeois elements keep the reins of the people in their hands, the essence of which is to ensure the inability of the masses to reason, much less react to or entertain any critical thought. As I have said in several papers and public lectures in the past, the resultant effect of the inflicted poverty on the people is ignorance, as a hungry soul is not a rational being. This ignorant mass constitutes not only a sizeable proportion of the entire population but forms the absolute majority of those who vote at elections. They are the people that determine our collective destiny out of wanton ignorance and complacency. These are voters without any knowledge of why they are voting, much less knowing the character of the person for whom they are voting. The bad news is that even the few enlightened ones that remain hardly vote for one porous reason or the other. The consequence of the foregoing is the election of bad products in the name of leaders.

What then do we put in place to correct this fundamental flaw? The solution lies in the education and enlightenment of this lot who interrogate no ideas or promote any noble ideals. You can read more on the atrocities this group of people innocently commit on the nation in my write-up, “Nigeria: How did we get here? (3),” in my column in the Daily Sun of September 19, 2019. Who owes this duty of civic education of the masses?

Banire is a former National Legal Adviser of the All Progressives Congress