The federal government has projected that about N120 billion would be saved from cleaning the human resource data on the Integrated Payroll and Personnel information system (IPPIS) as accruals when the Federal Civil Service Strategy and Implementation Plan 2021 to 2025 is transformed to a world class service.

Head of Service of the Civil Service of the Federation, Dr Folasade Yemi-Esan delivered the expectation at the opening ceremony of the 43rd meeting of the National Council on Establishments (NCE) in Abuja.

She said the benefits will come from the implementation of the six priority aspects of the new plan.

She added that the overall transparency and the administration of human resources will be improved as the federal government is also expected to save about N4.5 billion yearly from digitizing content in all MDAs as well as improve content sharing.

She also stated that about 64,000 civil servants will be trained through the revamped core modules of Smart P, resulting in improved skills and competencies, while 500 houses yearly will be delivered to civil servants to enhance their living standards.

The various memoranda of the council were being considered at the meeting by all the permanent secretaries from the 36 states of the federation, the council officials, delegates, directors in the federal and state civil services and chief executives of government agencies that constituted the NCE.

Also, the previous resolutions of the council that pertained to the creation of new cadres, enhanced entry points, introduction of new certificates, re-designation of cadres among others under review would be included in the revised schemes of service when finalised.

The council is expected to conclude work on the new schemes of service by the second quarter of this year leading to production of a comprehensive reference document for all cadres in the civil service, as well as reduce the numerous requests for clarifications and interpretations on various establishments’ matters.